Common Stone - Windber Stone LLC

Windber PA. 15963
Windber Stone LLC.
7474 Skyline Drive
Windber Stone 814-467-4090
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Our most common crushed stone sold
Our stone is quarried, crushed, screened and sorted by size or grade.
The following list shows our more popular crushed stone grades and their best uses.
While there may be slight variances in the naming convention of crushed stone the following are the most common names and sizes:

Sandmound Sand
DEP Certified. Meets the strict requirements of the Department of Environmental Protection to be used in sand mounds and other septic systems.
pipe bed and pipe line bedding
base for paving blocks & base for concrete pavers
walkways and bike paths
#8 (1b)
Sizes from 3/8″ to 1/2″.
For landscaping uses, concrete and asphalt mix

#57 (2B)
Sizes of about 3/4″.
For concrete mix,
Driveways, landscaping and
French drains.

2A mod.
A mixture of stone dust and #57/2B stone
For driveways, roads and as a base for retaining walls.  
It can also be used to patch holes in paved areas.
The dust mixes with the larger stone and packs down well
Sizes from 1/2″ to 2″.
For drainage and railroad projects
Light Road Base

Sizes are from 2″ to 4″
The larger of the crushed stone grades.
For larger jobs such a culvert ballast.
Heavier road base

Rip-Rap is large pieces of crushed stone (4 inches or larger) typically used to protect banks and slopes from erosion and runoff, used in Gabion baskets

Special Blends
Mixing to or more of the above together to a customers specifications for a specific job requirement.
7474 Skyline Drive, Windber PA 15963
Windber Stone is Windber's and Johnstowns' local stone quarry.  Don't travel extra milage to out of town quarries, pay extra haul rates or marked up prices with a middle man when you can get your aggregates directly from your local Quarry.
Quarried Stone and Ecologically responsible
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